Israël Blog

Time in Israel

Time in Israel is a complex topic due to the country’s unique history and geography. Israel is located in the Eastern European Time Zone, but it also observes Daylight Saving Time, which can cause confusion for visitors and residents alike. In this article, we will explore the history of time in Israel, the current time zone and DST policies, and how they affect daily life in the country.

History of Time in Israel

Before the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948, the region that is now Israel was under the control of various empires and kingdoms, each with their own timekeeping systems. The Ottoman Empire, which ruled the area from the 16th century until the end of World War I, used a solar-based time system that divided the day into 12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of darkness. This system was replaced by the British, who took control of the region after World War I and introduced a standard time system based on Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).

After Israel declared independence in 1948, it adopted the GMT+2 time zone, which was in line with neighboring countries in the Middle East. However, in 1957, Israel decided to switch to the Eastern European Time Zone (EET), which is one hour ahead of GMT. This decision was made to align Israel’s time zone with its main trading partners in Europe.

Current Time Zone and DST Policies

Today, Israel is still in the EET time zone, but it also observes Daylight Saving Time (DST). DST begins on the Friday before the last Sunday in March and ends on the last Sunday in October. During DST, clocks are set forward one hour, which means that Israel is two hours ahead of GMT during this time.

The decision to observe DST has been a controversial one in Israel, with some arguing that it disrupts daily life and causes unnecessary confusion. In 2013, the Israeli government considered abolishing DST, but ultimately decided to keep it in place.

Impact on Daily Life

The time zone and DST policies in Israel have a significant impact on daily life in the country. For example, during the winter months when Israel is only one hour ahead of GMT, it can be difficult for businesses to coordinate with their European counterparts, who are two hours ahead. This can lead to scheduling conflicts and delays in communication.

During DST, the impact is even greater. Many Israelis complain that the time change disrupts their sleep patterns and makes it difficult to adjust to the new schedule. In addition, the change in daylight hours can affect everything from school schedules to public transportation.


Time in Israel is a complex topic that reflects the country’s unique history and geography. While Israel is currently in the Eastern European Time Zone and observes Daylight Saving Time, these policies have been the subject of much debate and controversy. As Israel continues to grow and develop, it will be interesting to see how its timekeeping systems evolve to meet the needs of its people and its place in the global community.

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